UN Human Rights Council supports an end to forced institutionalization of persons with disabilities -- 27 March 2015

Geneva, 27 March 2015 –  

The Human Rights Council approved a landmark Resolution on the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community on an equal basis with others.

In a joint voice along with over 50 co-sponsors, Mexico introduced the proposal Resolution on the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community on an equal basis with others to the Human Rights Council recalling that persons with disabilities represent 15% of the world population, and stressing that one of main existing challenges is to combat discrimination faced by persons with disabilities, which often deliberately brings them to exclusion and segregation.

The Resolution - approved last Thursday without vote by the Human Rights Council - recalls the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol and stresses the need for persons with disabilities to be guaranteed the full enjoyment of their rights and freedoms without discrimination.

Legal capacity or forced institutionalization

Following the spirit and letter of the CRPD, the Resolution emphasises the deep concern expressed by UN States to the negative impact of laws or practices on the rights of persons with disabilities that deprive them of their legal capacity or allow for their forced institutionalization on the basis of a real or perceived disability.

In that sense, the Resolution urges States parties to, inter alia, (a) guarantee equal recognition before the law of persons with disabilities and ensure that they have the opportunity to exercise control over their lives on an equal basis with others; (b) prevent isolation or segregation, and take further measures towards their deinstitutionalization; and (c) provide persons with disabilities with access to a range of support services that are responsive to their individual choices, wishes and needs, including for their deinstitutionalization.

In addition, the Resolution emphasises that access to physical environment, transportation, information and communications, as well as other services and facilities provided to public, are a key to independent, autonomous living and equal participation in society by persons with disabilities.

Women and girls with disabilities

The UN States parties expressed deep concerns that girls and women of all ages with disabilities are subject to multiple, aggravated or intersecting forms of discrimination, with particular risk of segregation, violence and abuse. To respond to this, the Council urges States to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women and girls with disabilities and to promote gender equality, in order to ensure the equal enjoyment of their rights, in particular to live independently and be fully included and participate in the community on an equal basis with others.


International cooperation

The Council recognizes the importance of international cooperation and its promotion in support of national efforts to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, including the right to live independently and be included in the community on an equal basis with others without discrimination, and in this regard encourages the mobilization of public and private resources on a sustainable basis to mainstream disability in development and underlines the need to promote and strengthen international cooperation at all levels, the exchange of good practices and partnerships for disability-inclusive development. Furthermore, the Council encourages States to engage in international cooperation efforts aimed at enhancing their national capacities to fully guarantee the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community on an equal basis with others, and invites the Office of the High Commissioner and relevant United Nations agencies to consider ways to foster international cooperation activities in this regard.

The Council also calls upon States to ensure that all international cooperation is inclusive of persons with disabilities and does not contribute to creating new barriers for them.

Please visit the website for the 
INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY ALLIANCE at www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org

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