April Tompkins Workers' Center News and Events

April Tompkins Workers' Center News and Events


Together, creating a dignified and just workplace and society

I. Newly-Founded 'Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development': Press Conference, Tuesday, April 7th @ Noon: YOU ARE INVITED!

II. Three New Living Wage Employers Certified by the Tompkins County Workers' Center: Now Up to 96!

III. Union Days @ Cornell This Week: Tuesday, 4/7 and Wednesday, 4/8

IV. Workers Memorial Day Breakfast in Syracuse, Friday, April 24th, from 8-10 a.m.: You're Welcome to Join Us!

V. Workplace Health and Safety Training in Ithaca: Introduction to OSHA Rights, Tuesday, April 28th (Workers Memorial Day!) from 7-9 p.m.

I. Newly-Founded 'Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development': Press Conference, Tuesday, April 7th @ Noon: YOU ARE INVITED!


The Tompkins County Workers' Center (TCWC) is a founding member of the new Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development (CSED), an alliance of  local environmental groups, social justice organizations, business leaders, labor representatives, faith organizations and elected officials. On Tuesday, April 7th, at noon, the CSED will release our tax abatement policy recommendations at the site of Renovus Energy's (a Certified Living Wage Employer) new facility.  Renovus' success is living proof that sustainability principles are compatible with economic development.


  • Irene Weiser - Councilmember, Town of Caroline

  • Joe Sliker - CEO Renovus Energy

  • Kirby Edmonds - Building Bridges Collaborative

  • Stacey Black - IBEW organizer
  • Jan Rhodes Norman - Local First Ithaca

WHERE - Renovus' new facility, 1520 Trumansburg Rd  (about 2 miles past hospital, on left, just into Town of Ulysses)

II. Three New Living Wage Employers Certified by the Tompkins County Workers' Center: Now Up to 96!

The Tompkins County Workers' Center is pleased to announce that we now have certified 96 employers as being Living Wage Employers, having just recently added the latest three such employers:

·        Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes, 612 W. State Street, Ithaca;
·        Cinemapolis, 120 E. Green Street, Ithaca;
·        Tompkins County Recycling, LLC, 160 Commercial Avenue, Ithaca;


The Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes; Cinemapolis Theater; and Tompkins County Recycling, LLC, employ a total of 31 workers; this brings the total of workers, countywide and regionally, who are working for Living Wage Employers up to over 2,988 people.
Says Brett Bossard, Executive Director of Cinemapolis: "As a community institution, the board and I agreed that it was important that Cinemapolis’ values of equality and access to the arts for all be reflected in the way we treated our employees. The staff at the cinema provides a much needed and valued community service, and they should be compensated fairly for their labor."

The successful campaign to encourage Tompkins County Recycling, LLC (a subsidiary of Casella Waste Systems) to pay its workers a Living Wage is a great example of the 'concerted action' of two workers in the workplace, Milton Webb and Stanley McPherson, acting in solidarity with each other, and in coordination with a community campaign as organized by the TCWC alongside many supportive County Legislative members.

Says Tompkins County Recycling worker, Milton Webb, who helped to spearhead the campaign: "You know, the guys who are working here do a lot of good work, we work hard and we need that Living Wage. For all of us that are receiving nine or ten dollars an hour and got bumped up to over $12.62 at the beginning of February, we really appreciate this.  They will have the pay that they need and that they deserve. They’ll have money to put in the bank. This will make things better for families, for the economy, for everybody. The money will be spent right here in Ithaca. To all of the people who don’t earn a Living Wage because they’re employer won’t pay a Living Wage, hang in there, it’s coming."

The Workers' Center initiated the Living Wage Employer Certification Program in 2006 to publicly recognize and reward those employers who pay a living wage. Any employer in the private, public, and non-profit sectors is eligible to apply. With your help, we can provide incentives for other employers in our community! Please go to http://www.tcworkerscenter.org/community/certified-employers/ to find out which employers are Living Wage-Certified, as well as to download criteria and an application form.

III. Union Days @ Cornell This Week: Tuesday, 4/7 and Wednesday, 4/8

This year's Annual
Industrial and Labor Relations/Worker Institute "Union Days" events are scheduled for April 7 and 8, 2015.  The theme of the 2015 Union Days is "Labor on the Line: Breaking Boundaries, Building Movements."  All events are free and open to the public.
  • Tefere Gebre, Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO, will give the keynote speech on Wednesday, April 8, 4:30-6:00pm, in 105 Ives Hall. 
Additional events include:
  • Wednesday, April 8 (11:30am – 1pm, 225 ILR CC, lunch provided):  Internationally known labor muralist and street artist Mike Alewitz’s audiovisual presentation of art that has been part of working-class struggles.

IV. Workers Memorial Day Breakfast in Syracuse, Friday, April 24th, from 8-10 a.m.: You're Welcome to Join Us!

Friday, April 24th from 8-10 a.m. at Pensabene's Casa Grande Restaurant in Syracuse, 135 State Fair Boulevard. The Workers' Center has purchased a table. If you're interested in joining us, please let us know at TCWRH@tcworkerscenter.org or by calling 607-269-0409.

Every year, the
Tompkins County Workers' Center (TCWC), the Midstate Council for Occupational Safety and Health, the Occupational Health Clinical Center (and many other local organizations, see below) observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew our commitment to worker's health and safety. This year the struggle continues to find ways to create good jobs that are:

·        safe and healthy;

·        pay a Living Wage;

·        allow workers to speak out and bargain for respect;

·        ensure the freedom of workers to form unions;

·        provide a better future.

If you would like to be a part of a local carpool to Syracuse on 4/24, or would like more information on attending or sponsoring the event on your own, please let us know at the TCWC, by contacting 607-269-0409 or by emailing TCWRH@tcworkerscenter.org

Occupational Health Clinical Centers; CNY Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO; Greater Syracuse Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Workers' Center of Central New York; Tompkins County Workers' Center; Greater Syracuse Council of Occupational Safety and Health; Workforce Development Institute; Worker Safety and Health Coalition of Central New York; Injured Workers Bar Association; Syracuse University Maxwell School Labor Studies Group; Upstate New York Workers' Center Alliance; Social Justice Committee of First Universalist Society of Central Square

V. Workplace Health and Safety Training in Ithaca: Introduction to OSHA Rights, Tuesday, April 28th (Workers Memorial Day!) from 7-9 p.m.

This interactive workshop is for anyone who works for a living!

Workplace hazards include:  cleaning materials exposure, construction hazards, workplace violence, stress at work, repetitive motion work tasks….

PLUMBERS LOCAL 267 HALL, 701 W. State St., Ithaca
WORKERS’ MEMORIAL  DAY*,  Tuesday, April 28, 7-9pm             

Training presented by the Tompkins County Workers Center and Midstate Council for Occupatoinal Safety and Health. For further information call 607-269-0409 or 607-275-9560. If you think you can make it to the training, please let us know either by responding to this email or by calling one of the above numbers.

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....