Vigil and Protest to support Mike Brown - in Ithaca, NY -- The OCCUPIED New York Times - November 26, 2014

Of course the DOJ and probably some other government agency or agencies are continuing their investigations into filing charges against Wilson.  And, of course the police forces will continue to undergo training.  But almost 150 years after the end of the civil war and the abolition of slavery, racism and institutional racism are still rampant in this country.  We all need Ultraviolet and Black Voices Matter to help this country move forward on that. 

Ultraviolet, Black Voices Matter and the Occupy Movement are behind the organizing that led to the peaceful protests last night.  It could happen fast because we are all connected via social media.  Communication is instantaneous!  

Most of the motorists were very cooperative and turned around and/or honked and were supportive of our protest.  Some motorists (especially the ones that were very full of their own self-importance) were not so cooperative.  There were only a few dangerous moments where protesters were almost run down by angry motorists.  (Not I, though.  I know how to get out of the way when I need to.)  There was a fair bit of tire squealing.  

About 200 of us shut the streets down in Ithaca.  We started in front of the Court House and then moved on through Ithaca's one way streets.  We shut down two major State highways (Route 79 Westbound and Route 13 Northbound). 


After about an hour, we had police protection (which included the protection of a very sophisticated SWAT team).  We have a young black male mayor in Ithaca, Svante Myrick, who is a lot better leader than President Obama!  He belongs to the next generation!  

There was an incident very similar to the Mike Brown situation here in Ithaca that happened the same week Mike Brown was shot.  A white officer pulled a gun on a few black teenagers.  Luckily they ran away fast enough that he couldn't get a shot off at them.  (I'm sure he was relieved that he didn't have to, either!)  At any rate, the City of Ithaca Police have been through some pretty intense training since then.  I also have no doubt the CIA was here last night.  They threatened to arrest me if I didn't move fast enough when they demanded that I stay up ahead with the crowd.  It was a wild night!  A revolution is happening.  Totally peaceful.  No arrests.  That's what Ultraviolet and Black Voices Matter want!  Change.  Justice.  Peace.  I think we're making some progress.  In Ferguson, St. Louis?  I'm not so sure. 

All the above photos were taken on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 in Ithaca, NY by Myra Kovary

Photo taken of me taken by Matthew Hayes and copywritten by the Ithaca Journal

Posted on November 26, 2014
by Myra Kovary
The OCCUPIED New York Times

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


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onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

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TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....