Shame on Community Bank for Attacking the Middle Class - The Occupied New York Times, November 22, 2014


For Attacking the Middle Class

Photo taken in Ithaca, NY on 11-22-2014 by Myra Kovary

Shame on Community Bank for contributing to the erosion of area standards for Central and Upstate New York carpenters.

The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters believes that Community Bank has an obligation to the community they serve to see that area labor standards are met for construction work performed on their projects.

The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters has a labor dispute with General Interior Systems, Inc. which is a contractor working on the new Community Bank in
DeWitt, New York

The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters objects to substandard wage Employers like General Interior Systems, Inc. as they drive down carpenters' wages and decrease our ability to maintain our status as middle class Americans.

Please contact Bank President Mark Tryniski at 315-445-2282 and tell him that you want him to do all he can to change this situation.

We are not promoting any work stoppages or refusal to deliver ay goods or services.
Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters

Posted on November 22, 2014
by Myra Kovary
The OCCUPIED New York Times

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What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....