The American Wealthcare System:
Only Nation to Literally EJECT Those In Medical Need

We've strayed a long way from, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93%

Pew Social and Demographic Trends - ‎‎
SDT-2013-04-wealth-recovery-0-1 During the first two years of the nation's economic recovery, the mean net worth of households in the upper 7% of the wealth distribution rose by an estimated 28%, while the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% ...

As long as these wealthy people control the media conversation in the US - and they do - Americans seem willing to believe that the 'economic crisis' was an accident. If what the TV says about the American economic crisis is true, then why are US corporations making greater profits than ever at the same time jobs and average pay are continually being slashed?! While average Americans have lost their homes, their savings, their futures and their dignity, the rich somehow keep profiting off of the so-called banking 'carelessness' and 'mistakes' that led to the looting of our own huddled masses.

What a 'careless' windfall for the American Bourgeoisie who are the creators, controllers, and manipulators of our economic and banking systems. It must just be luck that all of the missing money in America has turned up in their pockets... again.

US hospitals send hundreds of immigrant patients back to home countries to ...

Washington Post - 
DES MOINES, Iowa - Days after they were badly hurt in a car accident, Jacinto Cruz and Jose Rodriguez-Saldana lay unconscious in an Iowa hospital while the American health care system weighed what to do with the two immigrants from Mexico.

The United States is the only industrialized nation to SELL medical assistance to those in need as a primary foundation of its so called 'healthcare system'. As though 'life-and-death' coercion is an ethical business plan. It's not. In no way is denying healthcare to human beings, humane. The nation with the most medical resources allows middleman insurance companies to profiteer off of it's own sick, elderly, dying, and/or needy, that there may be markets made out of these human lives.

Most bankruptcies in the US are caused by medical bills while all other first-world countries recognize medical attention as a basic human right.

American emergency rooms have taken to 'drug & release' policies for those too poor to pay for appropriate medical care, and now deportation has become the hot new business practice of US hospitals looking to rid themselves of immigrants in medical need. 

The irony is that some immigrants who come to the US to work and make a better life for themselves, have to return to their own countries to be treated like human beings when medical needs arise.

Business cannot be an ethical basis for every facet of human life. 

The entire rest of the civilized world understands this. Why is the United States still selling the humanity of medical care to the highest bidder? Isn't such a system inherently inhumane?  

Adding Up Diagnosis Errors

Wall Street Journal - ‎‎
Mistakes diagnosing patients are the most common, costly and dangerous errors made by doctors in the U.S. and result in permanent injury or death for as many as 160,000 patients annually, a new study found.

When healthcare is an 'industry' rather than a necessity, natural born healers, doctors, and diagnosticians are drowned out by greed-eyed incompetents who chase the idea of financial success at the expense of authentic care. The idea that "there's good money in that field" overpowers the idea that one should do what they naturally enjoy and are good at. Passing the courses and answering standardized testing correctly - does not a healer, make. 

While America certainly does boast some of the best medical training and equipment for those who can afford to 'jump the line' - we've also got people dying in emergency care waiting rooms simply because America currently considers medical 'worth' to be synonymous with financial worth.

                                                    CLASSISM KILLS

While America spends the most for healthcare, our 'profits matter most' neurosis leads to deplorable results. The term 'healthcare' in the US, can only be a bastardized marketing ploy in a nation that allows such profiteering. We are the only industrialized nation to allow middleman insurance companies - whose primary objective is to take money away from those in need and turn that life-or-death financial resource into corporate profits, instead of life-saving medical assistance. This is the primary objective of the health insurance industry in the US. That such an industry can even exist in a civilized world prompts a check on the current definition of the word "civilized".

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....