Who: All Who Support Living Wage Jobs and Local Labor
What: An Important 'Action' Outside Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) Meeting
Where: Tompkins County Legislature Building, 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca
When: Thursday, August 13th, 3:30-4 p.m. (IDA Meeting Begins at 4 p.m. inside Legislature Bldg)
Why: Demand IDA Stop Giving Away Local Money to Low-Wage Out of the Area Contractors and Adopt a Local Labor Policy
Many of us in the community including the Tompkins County Workers' Center, the Tompkins-Cortland Building Trades affiliates, and the Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development have been trying to get the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) to adopt a Local Labor policy for all tax abatement projects.
There is going to be over $200 million dollars of private work in the City of Ithaca over the next few years. Most of these projects are asking for and receiving tax abatements.
You are welcome to speak but you do not have to. But Legislators need to see all Tompkins County tax payers.
The Chairman of the IDA is Jim Dennis. Other members are Nate Shinagawa, Will Burbank, Martha Robertson, Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Tavares, at large member Grace Chiang and City of Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick.
If you cannot attend, call your County Legislator and ask them to tell the IDA members to adopt the Local Labor policy for all IDA projects. If you do not know who your legislator is, go here:
Then go here to find out your Legislator's contact information: