In Memoriam of Tom Schweik -- The Occupied New York Times -- 27 February 2015


In Memoriam 

Tom Schweik
Thomas Eagleton
Robin Williams
Ernest Hemingway

and all the other politicians and actors and writers and musicians and artists who gave up their lives and/or parts of their careers because they were either Jewish or part-Jewish or were victims of forced and/or coerced psychiatry while attempting to fight for freedom, justice and the American Way 


Now it is out in the open.  The blood is on their hands!  On the hands of the eugenics movement.  The 1% in the USA and in Saudi Arabia and in Egypt and now being fought by the Holy Roman Empire and being exported around the world again by the British Empire. 

It's a miracle that I am not among the dead yet and that, as of this moment, to my knowledge, neither are any of my children nor my step-children nor my adopted/adoptive children.

First they came for the so-called "mental defectives", then they came for the homosexuals, then they came for the Jews, then they came for the gypsies, then they came for the intelligentsia, etc, etc, etc but I was not among them?  

Je Suis Juif, Je Suis Charlie, Vive La France!

Posted by Myra Kovary
Editor-in-Chief of The Occupied New York Times

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....