Join us for a free screening of a film about our foremothers who secured the vote for women - Oct 29, 2014

As Election day draws near local women's groups are joining together for a free screening of "Iron Jawed Angels". 
Join us as we remember the sacrifices our foremothers made to secure the vote for women.
We will be at Planned Parenthood's new Health Center (620 W. Seneca St) on Oct. 29th at 7PM.

And don't forget to vote on Tuesday, November 4th!  The polls will be open from 6 am to 9 pm.

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....