People around the world are currently standing up to their corrupt governments, banks & politicians. While corporate media ignores the significance of today's GLOBAL call for accountability, for those who have forsaken Human Rights for profit & for profiteers; The People of France are rising up against their recently increasing Police State
The People of Iceland just ousted their Prime Minister & continue to protest for (another) cleanup & restructuring of government, after the Panama Papers revealed him to be one of the global OLIGARCHS defrauding his own people for personal profit, while holding an office which comes with a vow to serve & protect those very people --- a global trend which is being exposed worldwide at this very moment
Democracy Spring has shown that when protesters against government corruption in the USA take their VOICE to the steps of their highest government building --- those very criminal OLIGARCHS responsible for defrauding & selling into debt-slavery the domestic & global population at their own personal financial profits --- they simply abuse their own corrupt police forces to fraudulently MASS ARREST citizens who are arriving with a legitimate grievance
Meanwhile these criminal OLIGARCHS & their corrupt police forces (which by inflicting MASS ARREST are themselves, committing crimes against the citizenry) simply abuse the rights of those who call out the corrupt, with an air of seeming impunity; It's a pretty great system --- if you are in fact, a Criminal OLIGARCH
However, their time is running out & The People are waking up, more & faster than ever. The People are showing up to TAKE our POWER back & to PROTECT our RIGHTS against an increasingly obvious out of control, corrupt government

Indiscriminate mass arrests were designated a war crime in 1944 by a Commission on war crimes created by the London International Assembly. This was one of two items added by that Commission to the list of war crimes that had been drawn up by the Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties in 1919. Specifically, "indiscriminate mass arrests for the purpose of terrorizing the population" were designated as war crimes by the Commission.[18]
At the Netherlands temporary court martial in 1947, several members of the tokkeitai in the Netherlands East Indies were accused of the war crime of indiscriminate mass arrests. The applicable legislation, used by the court, was the NEI Statute Book Decree #44 of 1946, whose definition of war crimes paralleled the Commission's list. Specifically, item #34 of the enumerated list of war crimes under the NEI legislation was "indiscriminate mass arrests for the purpose of terrorising the population, whether described as taking hostages or not"
Detailed Police Assaults on
Occupy Wall Street Protesters (2011)
Occupy Wall Street Protesters (2011)
a Violent Authoritarian Regime
clings to Ill-Gotten & Corrupt Power by using
Violence & Intimidation against its own People
clings to Ill-Gotten & Corrupt Power by using
Violence & Intimidation against its own People
(US GOV'T Violent Assaults on Occupy Wall Street
coordinated Coast to Coast by FBI & DHS in 2011)
coordinated Coast to Coast by FBI & DHS in 2011)