CAPITALISM: State-Paid Police Forces
Attacking Their Own People to Protect Corruption [VIDEO]

  Capitalist Police Forces in Turkey Violently Assault Public: 
  Protest Began Peacefully Days Ago to Protect City's Last  
  Green Park From Capitalistic Destruction: Lives Have Been 
  Lost for a Shopping Mall: State-Sanctioned Murder for Money: 

It's long past time we rethink our logistical systems. Today's economic structures keep us divided, in need, and in the business of war and violence for hire. Human Rights - such as the right to protest, the right to political dissent - are being beaten down with billy clubs around the world as we speak. The people committing the assault, take oaths to protect the people, but are trained and paid by the corporations and the state (same thing). All of this is due to the simple scam that's been going on for millenia; the wealthy elite hold the world's resources, and starve those unwilling to serve their interests. 

     Their interests are always more for themselves and less for the people. They control the propaganda (media) which supports the usury-based economy. An economy which they have designed, and which they enforce through monetary manipulation and violence. When the people stand up, they are literally beaten down in the streets. While the people are violently suppressed by paid-police forces, those signing the checks also direct the airwaves. This is what is meant by that famous old saying, "The revolution will not be televised." Those worth revolting against, are the same who are in control of the communications systems and media outlets. Those systems will always be used by them, in order to squash the rebellion, either by distracting from it, ridiculing it, or ignoring those rebelling - and being beaten - in the streets.

             THIS is what the AMERICAN MEDIA   
          HID FROM AMERICA for the corporate-police-state:     

               You're only as FREE as They Let You Believe:          
        Political dissent gets beat-down in these streets!          

     Well, this rebellion is one that will not cease. This rebellion is the coming of a new age. This rebellion is the freedom we've been promised as political systems are put into place and manipulated in order to make the people believe they already have "freedom". Nothing to see  here - You're already free - Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain. In today's capitalist world - the world of central banking schemes - "freedom" is the choice between coke and pepsi, bloods or crips, democrats or republicans. Those willing to accept this inherently flawed false choice, have clearly missed the point; the only "choice" being presented is 'cola, or cola?' And we've beaten our chests, and waved our flags while casting a vote for Wall Street imperialism and world conquest disguised as 'national security' - every time. 

     We know what Wall Street wants. More for themselves and less for the people. They want war. They want war not because they were raised by Hitler, or Dr. Evil, but because it makes them money - and that is their only concern. They want the people to believe that we are diseased and that we need to buy drugs to perfect our 'naturally flawed' state. They want people to purchase high-cost drugs at high volumes - but not natural drugs. Oh no. Nature cannot be legally patented, and therefore cannot be claimed ownership of by a greed-driven consumption machine we call a for-profit corporation. This is why the less harmful natural cures are always under constant attack by the chemical companies and their FDA and DEA lackeys. You have no right to choose what to put into your body, unless it is patented by a giant pharmaceutical/chemical company, so far as the corrupt corporate-state is concerned. As long as they are getting paid, you have a 'choice' between their many different brands of the same cola product. How does it feel to be owned? 

     Usury was once an obvious affront to the natural world and was forbidden in societies throughout time. It is now the basis of all world-currencies; essentially, one giant pyramid scheme. All of them except for the countries recently overthrown and destroyed by capitalist imperialism - or about to be. Libya, under Gaddafi, was moving toward a gold-currency that would have returned the continent of Africa to her rightful place of wealth and abundance, given her natural resources - resources long coveted by the west. Not a gold-based currency, or a gold-backed currency, but a currency made of gold; the "dinar". Gold measurements, in hand! The African dinar would hold its own value and is not subject to inflation. Debt-based currency like the dollar, is essentially a pyramid-scheme, as it requires 'interest' be paid for its issuance - an interest which is only payable in that debt-based currency. In other words, the interest-bearing currency perpetuates a constant need for more of itself to be created, devaluing itself over time - stealing value from those who use it. 

     This is the real reason for America's current and ever ongoing global conquest. The American dollar is the world's reserve currency. Being an interest-bearing, debt-based currency, it is an economic system of usury. Usury is still outlawed in Islamic countries. This is the real reason why the U.S. is in the middle of a worldwide conquest, focused on the middle-east, under the thin veil of a war against 'religious extremists.' Iraq began selling its oil, in exchange only for gold. The American dollar could not allow for the wealth of the Iraqi people's natural resources to remain in Iraq. That's not why Donald Rumsfeld and the CIA propped up Saddam Hussein as Dictator in Iraq in the 80's. They did so, because they expected the guy they gave power to (weapons and other support), to lubricate their financial interests through exploitation of that nation's natural resources. They also expected he would be a destructive force toward Iran - a territory still unconquered by American & British corporations. They loan-sharked him money, funding his 8-year war against Iran; a war responsible for over 1-million dead. But Hussein clearly did not end up playing ball in all of the ways which the US had intended.

     Libya was the wealthiest and most successful nation in Africa, in terms of quality of life indexes, and economic independence. Until of course, the CIA brought in 'armed rebels' to begin skirmishes which would be used as a cover story to help the west sell another war and gloss over the fact that NO ONE EVER AUTHORIZED the war against Libya. In fact, the United States has not properly, officially, declared a war since WWII. These days, those in power simply throw it around, crushing legitimately competitive nations by way of coups and other militaristic conquests. They use their corporate-media partners to help them sell legitimizing stories to the public. Journalists who ask too many questions are fired. This is how it works. When you get in their way, their economic system has been designed and put in place in order to take your family's food away from you. This is not freedom, but coercion. This is local police forces being used against their own neighbors, friends, loved ones; their own best interests as human beings. Being given a role to play for the expanding corporate-police-state and a paycheck to carry it out, versus starvation for not complying; This is capitalism.

     Former U.S. Secretary of State and worldwide central-banking-scheme henchman, Henry Kissinger famously said, "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." By now, hopefully some readers will know much more about what he meant. Capitalism is the mistaken belief that prioritizing "capital" above all other matters is righteous and just. However, those who understand it as a concept, know exactly how dangerous the belief in it can be. Especially within an economic system whose currency is based on automatic-usury,  money-changing, and debt. The American dollar - the current failing reserve currency of the world - is based on an unsustainable and delusional 'debt plus interest' schematic, whose interest can only ever be paid back by creating more debt. This is modern capitalism. A system based on the perpetual growth of competition is the least possible system to harmoniously acquisition the planet's resources in appropriation to human needs. In fact, such a system is the perfect recipe for continuous, never-ending, war. 

     This is modern capitalism.
For-profit prison systems and cheap prison-labor sold as a commodity to major corporations has the United States of America imprisoning more of its own citizens than any other nation on Earth. You won't learn about that from US corporate-state-media either.

Capitalism is a prison. For 1 in every 100 adults in America, currently, that prison is made of concrete and bars - and exists primarily for the financial gains of large corporations. Maybe money is not the way. Maybe prioritizing capital gains above all other interests, is the result of corrupt minds designing economic policy. Maybe it's time we rethought our purpose here, as a species, and our systems of resource-acquisitions and logistics. This archaic monetary system - and the tool itself - has proven far too easy to corrupt, and to use for corruption. It's time the meek inherit the Earth, again. Enough is enough.

World conquest through deception & violent domination is not - and never has been - the right side to be on.

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....