U.S. Media Assists Gov't Witch Hunt & Distortions - Per Usual [video]

A young man with the world in his hand, gives it all up for the pursuit of Truth & Justice. 
One brave whistle-blower at the highest levels of secret-government domestic spying programs, stands tall and looks directly into the eyes of the 'super power' of the United States to say, enough is enough; Liberty or death.

While the corporate-state media carries the water - yet again - for a White House who would really like to reframe the topic of authoritarian domestic spying programs, former CIA and NSA contract employee risks his life to take a stand against extraordinary U.S. government fascism. For those unfamiliar with the story, Edward Snowden took extraordinary steps this past week to expose enormous government abuse of power. Particulary, that the United States government's intelligence agencies are spying on every single American. Can this really be so surprising to a people who have just recently found out that, this same government also falsely claims the authority to assassinate citizens at will - without due process, without even providing evidence of the government's claims against said murdered parties?


U.S. corporate-state media helps the White House sell false claims of legitimacy by airing the obviously bias opinions (dressed up as 'legal analysis') of the very government officials who got caught holding the indiscriminate, immoral, and in no way ethical dragnet of intelligence operations aimed at the entire public at large. That the president's friends and other government officials, themselves implicated in this tragic dishonor to the rule of law and the basic Human Right to SOME level of privacy, are filling the airwaves with assertions of their own interpretation of how legitimate their own actions have been - should be an obvious pulling back of the curtain, exposing further the corporate-police-state. Every time these criminals in government get caught, their corporate partners help them sell their stories. Just as every time corporate criminals are caught, their government partners let them off with a slap on the wrist. 

 'The SECRET courts which WE created to justify our enormous police-state 
 domestic spying programs told us we could do it.' - U.S. Government 

 Well, what are the odds of that?! You mean to tell us that your own private courts, which you created and employ, told you it's 'legal' to do whatever you want? Go on... 

The indignant government officials who brazenly defend such an obviously reprehensible secret-police program in the U.S. (the kind that would have impressed Nazi-Germany in the 1940's)  predictably behave with the same old cowardice of shooting the messenger to distract from the message. They expect you to believe that having their secret spy programs against you being exposed, means 'national security' is threatened. Not that national security is threatened by authoritarian regimes who spy on their own people - but that the people KNOWING ABOUT IT has somehow endangered us as a nation. 

They are desperately clinging to any angle that can keep their recently revealed EXTREME ABUSES OF POWER from being seen for what they are. Edward Snowden is not a 'threat' to the United States. He is a threat only to those who have worked very hard - in dark corners - to corrupt the United States and to destroy any semblance of liberty left in this once great nation. Edward Snowden is a hero of the people. Don't let the bastards who got caught - being bastards - tell you otherwise. 

 When GOVERNMENTS collude with CORPORATIONS to SPY on and 'police' the people, the result is an authoritarian type of government known definitively as "fascism". 

Knowing that he gave his life for his country, whistle-blower Snowden said, "You can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk, because they're such powerful adversaries that no one can meaningfully oppose them. If they want to get you - they'll get you in time." Unlike Bradley Manning who is still facing the wrath of the U.S. government (currently in military trial - after extended periods of isolation) for exposing U.S. war-crimes which every sentient being has a right to know about - Snowden took the opportunity to go public and explain his moral-compass. In the video interview with Glenn Greenwald (above), he tells more about the NSA abuses than the initial story told. He also disassembles the predictable hit-piece propaganda which has been coming out of the White House and their media lackeys. He shows that he is NOT in any way an enemy of the United States, but rather, that he took these actions because he is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of the American people.

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....