More Desecration of the U.S. Constitution,
Disguised as Good by the Corporate Media

That the New York Times (or anybody else) gets away with advancing legitimacy of such a ridiculous premise - that the U.S. Constitution does not already guarantee legal protections of basic rights such as the freedom of the PRESS - should be alarming to every citizen!

By simply phrasing this story as one of positive action to protect INHERENT freedoms, already embedded into all U.S. law, the reader may well forget that the BILL OF RIGHTS need only be adhered to and enforced in the first place. Instead, U.S. police forces open fire on journalists with impunity.

White House Pushes for Media Shield Law

New York Times

Written by
Charlie Savage
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration sought on Wednesday to revive legislation that would provide greater protections to reporters from penalties for refusing to identify confidential sources, and that would enable journalists to ask a federal judge to ...

Interesting language framing, but...
We Already Have a MEDIA SHIELD LAW. 
It's called the United States Constitution. 

We don't need new laws to protect our civil rights - We need a government that honors them!
Nor do we need a mainstream media, controlled by secretive international banking interests.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of the world's wealthy elite. 
It's board members include those who wield control of governmental, political, media, and international banking organizations. This council is accountable to no one. It is not a governmental organization. At the same time Colin Powell was helping sell an illegal war in Iraq, he sat on the CFR board alongside Tom Brokaw and others who would help him to do it. MSNBC promptly cancelled their highest rated show (Donahue) in the lead up to that needless quagmire - which caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians alone - as the host was unwilling to suspend his disbelief and continued exposing how the story told by the political figureheads, simply did not add up. 

The Council on Foreign Relations is often referred to as the real U.S. government. Again, it is a private organization of the world's wealthiest corporate interests. Their interests are in conquest, control and globalization of the world's economies: a one-world debt-slave system achieved and enforced through militarization and weaponry. But don't take our word for it. Take a look at their Board of Directors and try to find how many conflicts of interest appear in their unabashed objectives of controlling the world through force or starvation. You do the math. Ask yourself why all of these media heavy weights, militarists, banking and global corporate interests are all on the same board of this private group which dictates U.S. governmental policy around the world. 

These are the ones responsible for invading and overtaking sovereign nations around the world by way of CIA induced coups, or under the false premise of 'national security' interests with large scale military operations. They do it by collaborating with a media and communications structure which has NEVER BEFORE been as concentrated into as few monopolistic hands as U.S. media is today. These are the owners of most all information and communications systems in the United States: corporatists, militarists, and international banking interests. They work to control what the public believes in order to get away with what would otherwise be too obviously, sinister self-interest. What many think is a legitimate government in the U.S. is actually chosen and controlled by these people. As long as they can make you believe that you have a choice - and as long as they can keep the people divided with a nonsensical 'left-right' paradigm - they will keep getting away with it.   

We already have laws to protect our basic human rights. What we are in need of, is a society who refutes such ridiculous media-distortion of reality in order to keep us all in constant fear and fighting amongst ourselves. Maybe then, it might mean something to be a Constitutional Law Professor. Until then, the media will continue to support the globalist agenda of world-wide debt-slavery. There is no 'left or right'. There is only right and wrong. Terrorizing the nation and the planet with a politically spear-headed false War OF Terror in order to get away with creating the most invasive police state ever known to man was supposed to have ended after WWII. Never trust the U.S. media. Just look at what they've talked us into already!

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....