Free Press in the US? Maybe One Day... [VIDEO]

UN seeks global action to protect journalists' safety

ABC Online - 
The United Nations is calling for greater protection of journalists in every country and to break the cycle of impunity for crimes committed against them.

"The Police must not violate our freedom to cover what is happening in the streets. It is not only a violation of the freedom of the press, but a violation of the public's right to know." 
- Amy Goodman

"Without freedom of the press, there is no democracy." 
- Democracy Now! attorney, Steven Reiss

"We were saying very clearly, 'You must release us now - we are wearing our press credentials' whereupon the Secret Service came over and ripped the credentials from around our necks."

This is how American police forces treat journalists outside of American political events - regardless of law. 

"The first thing the police did, was pull the battery out of [the unlawfully arrested journalist's] camera." - Amy Goodman

Shot by police in Oakland - for video recording ongoing events.

NYPD cleared not just the area - but even the AIRSPACE in order to prevent media coverage of the assault on Zuccotti Park and the occupy encampment. Police specifically targeted the occupy media teams equipment for destruction during the raid. 

Establishment media personnel were physically removed by the NYPD in order to minimize evidence of their destruction of personal property (occupy media gear), violence against peaceful protesters, and deployment of tear gas on - of all things - a food tent. The NYPD illegally ordered news choppers away from the scene.

Former CNN reporter Amber Lyon - who was shot at by militarized police forces in Anaheim California this past summer while trying to report on a media-blacked-out occurrence of tremendous abuses of human rights against residents by local police

Here, she speaks at Harvard Law School on the CURRENT fascist police state destruction of American liberty - specifically, the corrupted use of the NDAA by the American government. That's Harvard Law School. Capital H... a...r...v...a...r...d... LAW School.

Journalist Amber Lyon has in the past, put her life on the line in various unstable nations around the world in order to do her job. Shortly since being shot at by American police forces in July of 2012 (the above VIDEO) here at home, she has come out against what she sees as current abuses by the United States against journalists and the press. 

Lyon has also come out about CNN's concerted efforts to bury stories that are not in line with the U.S. government's agenda - and even take money from other governments (Bahrain) in exchange for favorable coverage, without any disclaimers about these 'pay-for-play' airings of CNN produced governmental public relations campaigns. 

Every cop who carries out illegal orders in violation human rights, every media outlet who takes orders from politicians, altering 'news' reporting, every talking head on the TV who lends their likeness to the unquestioned talking points of a government out of control in it's violence around the world and it's ever-increasing invasions of privacy and human decency here at home, does so for one thing: money. 

When our socio-economic structure is one of being 'on the take' - who is free

"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." 
- Henry Kissinger  (former U.S. Secretary of State)

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....