CNN Caught Faking News - Again [VIDEO]

On site, Nancy Grace is actually just to the left of CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield. On screen, with just a little position reversal for the split-screen, it seems this CNN producer was hoping we wouldn't realize the same cars passing by behind each of these actors, pretending to be in different locations. 

Some might ask, "Why would CNN fake the news?" The rest of us already know that it is because American mainstream media always fakes the news. It is nothing but show business. It is for-profit, which means that it is for sale. It is a business - not a public service. They are accountable to share-holders and profit-margins, not truth or ethics. They read what they're told to - not what they've personally researched or experienced. 

They are only putting on a show. That show is in support of their own financial interests - only. Like George Carlin said, "They don't give a fuck about you! They don't care about you, at all!" [link]

The primary purpose of their corporate business plans is to hook people's attention in between repetitive corporate messaging. The primary purpose of all for-profit corporate messaging is to take money away from those dumb enough to put their trust in for-profit programming

Advertising/Marketing/PR is a science. It exploits Freudian theory in order to dis-empower the viewer/listener in one way or another. The purpose is usually to cause the viewer/listener to surrender their money in exchange for a false need they'll come to believe in by repetition of the psychological programming known as 'commercial spots' or 'talking points'. 

Most American media is owned by just 6 giant corporations. For the communications systems and media outlets to be in the hands of just 6 enormous for-profit corporations, it's no wonder so many are made to believe that peace is achieved through war. Now we're talking about enormous profits!

Never trust corporate media. Do your own research. Use the internet, before they strip it down so that you can't. Learn how to disseminate fact from fiction again. Do not succumb to the programming of corporate interests. Always question the motivation of your news sources. Until you can establish the truth for yourself, with your own eyes, don't allow the corporations or their government to also own your mind. Keep that space clear of corporate programming. It exists in order to turn a financial profit - by taking from the disempowered viewer.

Sometimes deceiving viewers might seem harmless.
Other times it serves to ramp up wars around the world.
At no time should American corporate media be trusted. Just ask Colin Powell!
Never forget that American media is a necessary part of the Military-Industrial-Complex.

'If it bleeds, it leads.'

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....