City of Ithaca Finally Acts
to Resolve Police OBSTRUCTION of PRESS [Part 3]

We don't care how long it took.

We don't care that NOT ONE of Ithaca's 'locally owned & operated' self-proclaimed "news" papers had the spine to cover this story - nor the integrity to even listen to the recordings or look at the documents - PROVIDED FOR THEM - once the City finally agreed to fork them over. We'll continue to protect their Rights as Journalists - even if they fail at their jobs as "Journalists" ...CONSTANTLY. We do not need to name names. If we did, we'd end certain jobs in Ithaca - and that is not our goal. Besides - all YOU usually have to do, is look at who regularly designs their COVER stories as sugar-coated PR mouth pieces for their Publisher's chosen politicians - namely whoever is in power (Democrats in Ithaca) - because cowards love to suck up to 'power'. 

 But that's not what THIS story is about. 

Luckily, it seems Mayor Myrick's administration did not think it unnecessary to thoroughly review PARTS 1 & 2 of this story and the afore mentioned documents - including a recording of a phone conversation between a reporter and an obstructive and belligerent IPD Sergeant (links provided below). We have chosen not to publish those documents at this time. They may at this point serve, only to distract from the greater point and purpose of this story. 

Today We CONGRATULATE the City of Ithaca's administration on doing the right thing - no matter how long it took. No matter what has happened in the past.

 1  - Police Cheif Ed Vallely is stepping down.
 2  - Ithaca Police Department now has a Public Information Officer
 3  ------------ Follow through.

 11 Police Chief Edward Vallely is now semi-retired. He will remain on the force in a supportive and consulting role, according to the City. This is to be expected with any 'changing of the guard' and is not unusual. Whatever flack Chief Vallely has taken as the figurehead of the Ithaca Police Department, it is probably best to remember a person for the totality of their career. Anyone who thinks otherwise may do best by putting themselves in the shoes of a man who voluntarily - decades ago - decided to bare arms for the betterment of his community. WHETHER OR NOT 'baring-arms' is ever an appropriate measure in a free-society is not the topic. That a man makes that tough choice - for what he believes is right - is what should best be considered. We cannot ever change the world for the better - unless WE are willing to consider the Hearts & Minds of another - with SINCERITY. 

We are well aware that Police-Public-Relations in Ithaca have not been the best. Change takes time. That change is happening now. Now is not the time for bitterness of the past. It is time for reconciling our differences. If we are to hold others to account for their actions or in-actions - we best be ready to be held up to that same light. 

When Police Officer Anthony Augustine was shot in the shoulder last month - HIS FAMILY on the force suffered his pain with him. The SPIRIT of community is ALIVE in every single community - no matter the differences between one community and another. Police Chief Vallely took to the streets PERSONALLY to ensure that the gun-firing citizen was apprehended. We hope that ALL involved - including the officer, the perpetrator/citizen, the Ithaca Police Force, and ALL ITHACANS can heal well from this awful incident. We are GRATEFUL that life has been preserved - the number one priority for ALL involved. 

Regardless of our past differences, we wish Police Chief Vallely a good retirement. We are happy to see movement taking place at IPD. Change is good. The universe seems to consistently demand it. 

22  Through NO work on the part of Ithaca's false "news" papers - their 'journalists' will now be better protected in their dealings with the Ithaca Police Department. This is thanks to the City's late, but nonetheless appreciated addition of a Public Information Officer. Having a Communications Specialist on the force to more properly deal with the PUBLIC & the PRESS is a long overdue move. For this Good and Proper act on the part of the City:


 3  To personally THANK Mayor Myrick:  

Term expires: December 31, 2015

- The Common Council:

Police Chief Edward Vallely

Deputy Police Chief John BarberTo wish Retiring Police Chief Ed Vallely well - To congratulate the new Acting Police Chief, John Barber - and/or to wish him & the current Deputy Police Chief Peter Tyler well:
 Deputy Police Chief Peter Tyler



When the new Public Information Officer is given more prominence on the IPD website, we will provide those further details. 

  There is NEVER a need to feel disempowered.
 When treated inappropriately:
  1 - Extend 3 Olive Branches - ONLY.                      
  2 - STAND YOUR GROUND & FIGHT BACK.              

  3 - Do Not Relent Until Justice Is Done.                    

    WE OWE THIS CREED TO OUR WORLD.             
  Let's Continue to Carry it Onward - TOGETHER. 

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....