Take on Healthcare's Capital-Corruptions

 (these emails Do NOT Go to Cayuga Medical Center) 

 Let Us Unite and Begin Working to 
 STOP This Regular and Continuous Capital-Corruption 
 throughout Our Healthcare Systems. Let's Stand 
 TOGETHER and Fight for a Better Way Forward. 
 Let's Work TOGETHER in Standing Up 
Against such Inhumane Capital-Corruption. 
 It Is Simply No Longer O.K. 
Actual Recent Letter to CMC (adjusted for publishing): 

Dear Cayuga Medical Center,

Reasons you have not heard from me sooner are:

  1. I have been suffering from an increasingly debilitating illness over the course of the past 2 ½ years - due in great part to western-medical negligence. The nature of my disorder prevents my timeliness.
  2. When I have felt well enough to write, I have been overcome by a trembling fury - having to consider the way that a Human Being in need was treated by your embarrassment of an Emergency Room. I have taken great caution with preparing this letter. I cannot promise, however, that it does not still contain some of that well-deserved fury for your organization.

This past April I arrived in your Emergency Department reluctantly, by way of ambulance. That your organization refused me emergency medical services by going through the paces of letting me 'be under your roof' while waiting to shoot my uninsured ass with Ativan and turfing me out to the street once you had needlessly drugged me - I thought was audacious enough.

That you people had the arrogance to send me a bill
for your refusal of treatment - after ignoring:

  1. a thorough personal medical history including recent severe iron-toxicity,
  2. being told what to expect and look for, and,
  3. multiple direct requests for SPECIFIC tests related to my VERY THOROUGH & WELL COMMUNICATED medical history - as directed by my current treating doctor - is just reckless abandon on the part of your organization in consideration of the fact that I had not YET filed suit against ALL of you.

I am aware of the statute of limitations and taking my time - for YOUR sake.

If you want to know why I have not YET dragged your incompetent and heartless asses into court to expose your fraud and mistreatment of those who are MOST in need - it may only be a pause taken in consideration of the kindness I’ve received from YOUR BLOOD LAB when I am there regularly for my DOCUMENTED BLOOD-RELATED IRON DISORDER - you fucking, fucks.

Had it not been for the warmth, compassion, friendly smiles, and life-saving treatments that Justin, Janice, Tara, Kayla, and everyone else I’ve come to appreciate OVER THE PAST 10 MONTHS that my REGULAR aggressive therapeutic phlebotomy treatments have been performed inside of the BLOOD LAB within your own facility - you would not have been receiving the courtesy of this letter.  

Those are all the details I’m willing to disclose to you right now - but if I were you, I’d start having Legal depose your incompetent VP of PR. He’s on my short list for possible subpoenas. 

I’ve already met with him 3 times in his office. 

Every time I speak to him - I have to FIRST find him in his office. I am disabled. He knows it is not easy for me to get around. 

He finally brought in a ‘head of Nursing’ from your Emergency Dept. 
He always promises to call me SOON. 
He NEVER calls - not once.

That last meeting with him (and the Nurse), was now well over a month ago. My phone is working - but at this point I’m pretty sure he’s lied to me too many times to be trusted. Incompetent as he is, I do like him personally and I enjoyed our small talk. I wish it would have served YOUR or MY purposes at all - but at least he’s friendly.

You’ll also want to ask Nurse Carl in the Emergency Dept. why he objected to your MALPRACTICING doctor’s orders, but carried them out anyway.

I actually like Carl a lot. He can tell you about how a number of your personnel watched me CONVULSING on a stretcher in a hallway for well over 15 minutes - even dropping by to remind me that Human Beings "have to breathe" to stay alive - apparently (you fucks) - before he finally came by to save my life from their useless hands. You can ask him how. He will then be able to corroborate my very full and detailed medical history that was given - and the reason the Dispatcher, the Bangs EMT, every Nurse and Assistant, AND YOUR DOCTOR were all told to expect acidemia/acidosis... but REFUSED PROPER TESTING.

He will testify that by closing OFF an oxygen mask so that I could breathe in more co2, my physiological episode settled and I returned to semi-normal signs - given my condition. Another good reason to do those tests that were requested. Many of your personnel (one of which was the so-called “medical doctor”) kept coming in and trying to hook-up the oxygen mask without asking ANYONE any questions. That could have killed me.

Why was Ativan administered (at all - let alone...) 
LONG AFTER Nurse Carl had already helped my 
physical ‘episode’ to pass
- and just before turfing me out on the street?!

THEN RELEASED once drunk on YOUR INAPPROPRIATELY ADMINISTERED DRUG - without ever receiving proper testing or treatment?!

Explain the Choice to IGNORE
my thoroughly explained and repeated
medical history and requests.

Actually, don’t. You are pretty fucked on this. Really looking forward to your hospital’s medical backing of treating iron-disorders and their secondary and tertiary effects with “Ativan”. You might even make a medical journal out of the deal. Of course, that’s only if you can prove any medical logic. You threw the wrong ‘too poor for treatment’ guy out on the street this time. I am already looking for others you have done this to. It didn’t take long for me to start finding them...

One of Us is lucky that I made it out of Your ER alive.
Just one.

With the Firmest Possible Sincerity,
The Wrong Mother Fucker to Abuse


- photos added and gleefully adjusted by #ONYS

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....