Occupy Ithaca receives Mother Jones award -- Labor Day, 2012 -- The Occupied New York Times



Occupy Ithaca received the Mother Jones Award yesterday at the Labor Day Rally that was hosted by the Tompkins County Workers Center.  Joy Hines accepted the award on behalf of the group.  Other members of Occupy Ithaca spoke as well, but I'm sorry, I don't know many of their names so can't include all their names here.

Occupy Ithaca celebrates receiving the Mother Jones Award

Congressman Maurice Hinchey

James Ricks and Oscar Saulsberry

Photos taken by Myra Kovary

The Shawn Greenwood Working Group is connected with Occupy Ithaca.  It was formed in the wake of the fatal shooting by a police officer of a young black man here in Ithaca.  At the Labor Day Rally yesterday, the Shawn Greenwood Working Group announced that they are hosting a KNOW YOUR RIGHTS workshop on Sunday, September 9th, 2012 at 5 pm at the A.M.E. Zion Church, 116 Cleveland Avenue in Ithaca, NY to educate people about their rights when they interact with the police.  For more information, contact the SCWG by calling 607-301-0370 or email SGWIthaca@gmail.com.

According to their flyer, their aim is to create spaces that address these concerns in our community.  They believe the issues in our communities will not be solved by increasing police presence, but rather through larger transformation.  Their flyer says: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!  What are your rights if police stop you while driving or walking?  What are your rights if police come to your home?  How can you best protect yourself in interactions with the police?

When Occupy Ithaca received the Mother Jones award, I was on the stage with them and I made a statement in solidarity with the Shawn Greenwood Working Group on behalf of Occupy Psychiatry in being concerned about police brutality.

Our very liberal US Congressman, Maurice Hinchey (who is just retiring from Congress after serving for many many years due to health issues) also received a Special Distinguished Service Award and was present to receive it.  It was a very moving moment! 

That's my news from Ithaca today ...

Posted by Myra Kovary
Editor-In-Chief, The Occupied New York Times

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onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

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TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....