BREAKING NEWS : UK Threatens Ecuador
Over Protection of WikiLeaks' Assange [VIDEO]

ANY ACT of AGGRESSION by the UK and 
the EMPIRE against the ECUADORIAN EMBASSY is an 

Julian Assange, Wikileaks figurehead has been fighting extradition from the UK on trumped up charges of an alleged sexual assault - though the accuser herself admits the sex was consensual and only became upset with Assange days later - after realizing she had contracted an STD. After speaking with another woman who also claims Assange gave her the same STD, both women decided to press charges. Assange has agreed to meet with any Swedish officials for the purpose of their investigation - in England, while under the protection of British Law. Sweden has continually turned down his offer and insists that he be physically imprisoned and forced back to Sweden. Whether the STD came from Assange or not, these local charges (stemming from an encounter in Sweden during one of Assanges speaking tours) have somehow become an international extradition case, leading no one to wonder why. 

Assange has upset very many of the World's Elite in the Military-Industrial Complex, Global Central Banking Schemes, and Corporate Communications & Information Systems ownership and control. He is the one willing to take the fall for exposing the lies of our governments - and our government's corporate-masters. 

Knowing that they would be taking on the weight of the world, Ecuador offered the safety of asylum to Julian Assange and the Ecuadorian Embassy is currently in a STAND-OFF with British officials who are threatening to invade the Embassy - effectively invading Ecuadorian Sovereignty. 

The only question - as is always the case - is whether the UK believes they can get away with their aggression toward other countries by selling it to their own people with a clever enough PR campaign. There is NO possible case that the UK, the US, or any of their corporate-profiteers can make, that would justify their invasion of the Ecuadorian Embassy - which only exists in the UK under the promise that such a thing could NEVER happen. 

This would be an enormous act of international aggression on the part of the UK. No PR campaign that they wage on their own people, could protect them from the ire of the World, should they act with such aggression.

While the Assange extradition has been playing out for about a year - this story of the Ecuadorian Embassy standing up to the Empire in order to do what's right - is just BREAKING.
The Empire is currently threatening to forcefully remove the Ecuadorian Embassy in order to forcefully remove Assange from Ecuador's protection. However this turns out - Ecuador is the Hero in this. Bless Ecuador for taking this Brave and very necessary stand!


Assange continually has the support of The People in every country whose governments and corporations keep trying to silence him. 

His has relentlessly 
exposed governmental, political, &
 corporate secrets - in particular, the secrets of 
the  Military-Industrial-Complex 
 ...the secrets Eisenhower warned us about. 

A truly FREE NATION, has no secrets.  

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaking to demonstrators from the steps of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London on Saturday (Leon Neal, AFP / Getty Images)

       Whether you know it or not
       your government is  waging a secret war   
           against Whistle-Blowers who are      
          exposing their War-Mongering LIES!!! heir war-mongering LIES.

Other sourced coverage complete with 
LINK to LIVE-FEED outside the Embassy
(feed just went down for battery 
conservation) continues HERE:


BREAKING NEWS: Ecuador Grants Asylum to Assange

by Naomi Wolf
8-16-2012 8:20am
Update 9:55am: via the New York Times, "The government of Ecuador on Thursday said it had decided to grant asylum to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. Mr. Assange has been holed up for nearly two months in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where police arrested some of his supporters on Thursday."
BREAKING NEWS: Britain begged not to storm Ecuadoran Embassy in Seeking Assange 

Greg Manahan writes further: "The Center for Constitutional Rights has issues this action request for people in Great Britain: urging them to stop the British government from raiding the embassy of Ecuador to grab Assange:

'UK friends, today is the day to show your commitment to human rights and freedom of press. British authorities have threatened to raid Ecuador's embassy in London if Julian Assange is not handed over. The UN General Assembly has unanimously declared that the granting of asylum cannot be construed as an unfriendly act by other countries. This threat from the British government is a major assault on international law and the rights of asylum seekers. If you are in London, go to the embassy and show your support!'

The irony & hypocrisy is staggering: William Hague slams Iranian breaches into the British embassy in Tehran, calling them a "violation of the Vienna Convention" -- only hours after his government threatens to storm the embassy of Ecuador to arrest Julian Assange."
Jennifer Slattery updates us about some somber developments in the Assange case: "Britain has told the Ecuadorean authorities it believes officials can enter its embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, according to Ecuador's minister for foreign affairs, Ricardo Patino.

The development came two months after Assange walked into the embassy in a bid to avoid being extradited to Sweden where he faces allegations of sexual assault.

At a news conference on Wednesday, Patino said Ecuador would announce its decision regarding Assange's asylum request at 7am (noon GMT) on Thursday."
Slattery notes further: "Foreign minister Ricardo Patino said the letter from the UK to Ecuador stated: '"You need to be aware that there is a legal base in the UK, the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987, that would allow us to take actions in order to arrest Mr Assange in the current premises of the embassy. We sincerely hope that we do not reach that point, but if you are not capable of resolving this matter of Mr Assange's presence in your premises, this is an open option for us.'"
:: photo courtesy of Espen Moe via Creative Commons license ::

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....