This Is What Children Are Learning
- In AMERICAN Cities - TODAY - [ 3-VIDEOs ]

Everywhere is Anaheim
Originally posted on July 25, 2012, 5:23 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Anaheim kids give firsthand accounts of police brutality

Last Saturday in Anaheim, California, police on routine patrol killed an unarmed person of color (Manuel Diaz), shooting him in the back in broad daylight. As a crowd of concerned neighbors gathered at the site to demand justice, they in turn were attacked by heavily armed police, who were recorded on video firing rubber bullets and pepper balls at close range into the crowd, which included women and children. In the ensuing chaos, an unrestrained police dog charged the crowd, mauling two people. Although police claim this was an accident, neighborhood witnesses disagree. Witnesses further report that, even as the events were still unfolding, police offered to buy footage from people's cell phones, apparently to cover up the incident. Later that same night, Anaheim PD shot and killed another person under suspicious circumstances. This is at least the sixth "officer-involved" shooting in Anaheim this year alone.

These are not isolated incidents; police violence is pandemic across the nation, and indeed the world. For people of color, poor people, immigrants, LGBTQ people, drug users, and other marginalized communities: EVERYWHERE IS ANAHEIM.

Although statistics documenting the number of "officer-involved shootings" (doublespeak for killings and attempted killings committed by police) are nearly impossible to find (we looked), marginalized communities everywhere know they are commonplace. We have not forgotten Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Duanna Johnson, or the countless other victims of police violence. As long as power is concentrated in the hands of an (overwhelmingly racist, sexist, classist, and homophobic) elite, we continue to see police violence used against those of us at the margins.

Terrorized communities are left to ask: who polices the police, and why are police able to deploy lethal and potentially lethal force against unarmed people in the first place? In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, where police were able to arrest a heavily armed suspected mass murderer without injury, why are police empowered to act as judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to people of color, poor people, immigrants, LGBTQ people, drug users, and other marginalized communities?

Enough is enough. Terrorized communities are standing up. Demonstrators, including members of Occupy Orange County and other regional Occupiers, have rallied outside the Anaheim Police Department headquarters and at Anaheim City Hall, in spite of the menacing presence of riot police throughout the city.

Manuel's parents have held vigils with hundreds of their primarily Latin@ neighbors and have pledged to file a lawsuit, saying their son was merely out with friends when he was murdered by the police – even as corporate media parrot phrases like "suspected gang member" (a label applied liberally by police to further profile, criminalize, and incarcerate people of color), and villify protesters by flashing images of property damage that pale in comparison to videos of police wantonly brutalizing civilians that instantly go viral online but are rarely shown on for-profit news outlets. Two officers have been placed on paid leave and the city has said they are conducting an independent review – but we know that justice rarely comes when the State is allowed to police itself.

We demand real justice and accountability; power must be restored to the people! From Anaheim to New York and beyond, the people must respond: No justice, no peace, disarm the police!

In Anaheim – even amidst escalating police violence – spontaneous demonstrations numbering in the thousands have continued to grow nearly every night since Manuel's murder. We encourage solidarity demonstrations everywhere else! See below for more info on actions: For more of the original OWS article click here.
     POLICE tried BUYING videos 
 from witnesses who recorded them 
 ASSAULTING unarmed CIVILIAN protesters - 
   men, Women, CHILDREN & INFANTS!      

 JOURNALISTS who arrived to cover the story...     

The problem is, that  TV-watching  folks are 
too  programmed  to realize that they are 
 ALREADY  living in a  Police State 

Ask yourself this  ONE question  about this video; 

"Do propagandized people who live in Authoritarian
 Police States, know it right away - or at what point 
do You figure they realize They've been DECEiVED?"

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....