Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) - The Occupied New York Times - July 12, 2012



By Sonia Pressman Fuentes, Alumna of Cornell University, Class of 1950

Dear Editor:
I was surprised and disappointed that in your July 9 issue, in an Opinion article entitled “Fixing the Constitution,” where ten scholars, half of them women, proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution, not one of them suggested the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the amendment drafted by Alice Paul, the legendary suffragist and feminist, whom I knew.

That amendment provides: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

On its website at http://www.equalrightsamendment.org/why.htm, the Alice Paul Institute gives the following reasons for the necessity for this amendment:

Without the ERA, the Constitution does not explicitly guarantee that the rights it protects are held equally by all citizens without regard to sex. The first – and still the only – right specifically affirmed as equal for women and men is the right to vote. 

The equal protection clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment was first applied to sex discrimination only in 1971, and it has never been interpreted to grant equal rights on the basis of sex in the uniform and inclusive way that the ERA would. 

The ERA would provide a clearer judicial standard for deciding cases of sex discrimination, since federal and state courts (some working with state ERAs, some without) still reflect confusion and inconsistency in dealing with such claims. It would also clarify sex discrimination jurisprudence and 40 years of precedent for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who claimed in an interview reported in the January 2011 California Lawyer that the Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment, does not protect against sex discrimination.

The ERA would provide a strong legal defense against a rollback of the significant advances in women’s rights made in the past 50 years. Without it, Congress can weaken or replace existing laws on women’s rights, and judicial precedents on issues of gender equality can be eroded or ignored by reactionary courts responding to a conservative political agenda. 

Without the ERA, women regularly and men occasionally have to fight long, expensive, and difficult legal battles in an effort to prove that their rights are equal to those of the other sex. 

The ERA would improve the United States’ human rights standing in the world community. The governing documents of many other countries affirm legal gender equality, however imperfect the global implementation of that ideal may be.

It is high time this country ratified the ERA and let its women, who constitute over half its population, know that they have rights equal to those of the male minority in this country. I call upon President Barack Obama to use his bully pulpit to state that ratification of the ERA is a priority for his administration and to exhort state legislatures to ratify the amendment and fix our Constitution.
Sonia Pressman Fuentes
Cofounder of NOW (National Organization for Women)
Former longtime member of the Board of Trustees of the National Woman’s Party, founded by Alice Paul
website: http://www.erraticimpact.com/fuentes

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