Opposition to Kendra's Law - The Occupied Ithaca Times - June 13, 2012


Guest Viewpoint: Kendra's Law Violates Rights of Mentally Ill
Written by Myra Kovary, Steven Periard and Larry Roberts
Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin, Ithaca Journal June 12, 2012 

The May 18 Guest Viewpoint by DJ Jaffe titled "Changes to Kendra's Law would aid more who need it" makes a case for a new piece of legislation called Kendra's Law Improvement Act. It which would allow courts to mandate programs for people diagnosed with mental illness whose court mandate under existing law has expired, the individual has moved away beyond the court's jurisdiction, or is released from incarceration and placed back in the community. The existing law, called Kendra's Law, allows courts to mandate treatment for people who are diagnosed with a mental illness as a requirement to remain in the community.

If one is able to look beyond the stereotypes of the so-called "mentally ill," one might see the existing law — and its proposed extension — as a clear violation of an individual's civil rights, and one would be right.

But Jaffe doesn't see it that way. To him, and those like-minded, this is a matter of protecting the individual from harming himself or herself and/or the community. A noble cause, to be sure, were its foundation not built on the unsteady ground of fear and ignorance.

First, Jaffe's knowledge of people diagnosed with mental illness is relegated to antiquated stereotypes. To quote: "As a result of their untreated illness, they don't 'think' they are the Messiah — they 'know' it." He might as well have included an illustration of a crazy person dressed like Napoleon to support his argument. It would have been equally baseless and ignorant.

Second, Jaffe asserts that the new law would help people stay in treatment, an argument that supposes a person diagnosed with a mental illness cannot recover and will need treatment long-term, perhaps for the rest of his or her life. Even the existing law, obviously somewhat more informed, proposes a time limit on the mandate.

Third, Jaffe cites statistics to support his argument for countering violent behavior under Kendra's Law, though he does not offer sources for these statistics. Instead he uses the obligatory phrase "a recent study found ..." If fear of violence is the impetus for this new law, its logic runs counter to a recent article published on the National Institute for Mental Health's (NIMH) website, which states that "Most people with SMI [Severe Mental Illness] are not violent, and most violent acts are not committed by people with SMI. In fact, people with SMI are actually at higher risk of being victims of violence than perpetrators." The article goes on to state that "those with SMI are 11 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population."
As a result of policies enacted through Kendra's Law and legislation that supports it, we are also more likely to lose our civil rights in the guise of protecting ourselves and the public.

We don't presume to speak for Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton, the New York State Office of Mental Health, the Conference of Mental Hygiene Directors, and a total of 16 organizations who oppose the bill. But if they do not see this as a civil rights violation, then certainly they must at the very least view this legislation as counterproductive and not worthy of their support.

Kovary, Periard and Roberts are members of the Ithaca Mental Patients Advocacy Coalition (IMPAC).


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