POLICE STATE: Chicago NATO Summit 2012 [VIDEO]

It was no surprise. 
We Know What to expect right Now; Those of us Who Stand Up and Protest. We Know They will kettle us into Sections. We Know They will Surround Us. We Know that Not Every Cop is IN on the Scam, so that The One's Who Are can start Shoving Us into the one's who aren't. We Know They Have All already been pre-programmed to anticipate violence FROM us, so that when Their Own Co-workers Shove Us into them, They Are Ready to fight - and waste no time cracking heads. We Mostly Do Not Resist Arrest - in any way. Many of Us are Beaten Up Anyway. We Know They are Trained to Shout "Stop Resisting" to make their aggression with us look justifiable to the crowds around - while it's really just a cover for them to rough us up. We Know Half the Force Believes they are doing right and believes the News too. The other half? Pattsies.

Standard Practice Now for local Police Forces, is to first secure a perimeter - EXCLUDING JOURNALISTS - Prior to Brutalizing kettled-in sections of Protesters. 

THIS is what happens when some footage, still makes it through!
Chicago Police Van PLOWS 
Through NATO Protesters
Those who know how Television and Propaganda work, KNOW why the segment programmed to follow the Live Shot - from at the scene of NATO Protests in Chicago - was positioned/scheduled immediately post-Live Shot. 
Did you catch it? 
The close of that second story. That little judgmental, snide joke at the end of that hit-piece of a so-called "news" story? 
The charges are fake too, by the way. Sorry to ruin the ending, but they walk... and here's why - they are 100% innocent... but that's beside the point. This story about them - has already worked to distract you from any Truth about what happens on the ground at protests in the US - any Truth that might have leaked out during a scheduled 20 Second LIVE shot, from onsite. 

You just saw how their propaganda works on you - and how "free" your own country really ISN'T. Now there is no turning back. Now you know too much.

Any possible Protest Message during a Live Shot that could get through to the masses - had to be followed up with a fear-baiting hit-piece on anything related to the Protest Story - for purposes of Psychological Mis-Association. The controllers of your media didn't expect that Live Shot to have shown THIS much of the Truth of what's going on, ON THE GROUND currently, at Protests across the U.S. They only gave it 20 seconds of Scheduled LIVE time. 

What were the Odds that this much Truth from On The Ground was going to get Leaked Out to the masses, who usually assume that their media is telling the truth... 

If you doubt what's being said here, ask yourself, "Did I know about this story before right now? If not, Why not?!" 

Then ask yourself, "If I have to go to the internet to do my own research for REAL news - Why is the government now trying (CISPA, SOPA, PIPA...) to extensively restrict the internet like never before?"


This clip of Truth from Onsite would have NEVER made it to air, had it not been caught Live.

KNOW that.

    • Danielle: My dad who worked at the 9-11 site from the day of the attacks on and ultimately lost his life due to the pile, saw Mayor Guilanni have a team of people throw dust on him and repeatedly film him running up a block- take after take until they got it right to make it look like he was running from the falling towers- HOURS after they were down. We're to believe that a camera crew was just waiting around and not running for their own lives perfectly in time to film JUST the Mayor running alone? Right.
      Thursday at 2:03pm via mobile ·  ·  2

See it ALWAYS - for Yourself -
without 'packaging' by corporate media filters
NO PROTESTER IS VIOLENT HERE, but WATCH PEACEFUL GIRLS get shoved (with nowhere to go) and then clubbed in the head.
Currently, these are STANDARD POLICE PRACTICES for PROTEST SUPPRESSION. It's been going on for a Long time - in apparent collusion with your so-called "news media." Just as half the Police Forces involved are not hip to the scam. 

The same is true with those working in your local media. Half of them believe they are 'free' to report the 'news.' Often their biggest stories are minimized - and they're not quite sure why, but when the corporation that dangles their week-to-week paycheck over their heads is responsible - it's usually not good to 'rock the boat.' 

Your Socio-Economic system is designed to keep otherwise GOOD COPS, good Journalists & good People from asking too many questions. 'Rock the Boat' by asking too many questions - and those in charge will retract the ability to feed one's family. Who then, are they all REALLY working for? The People - or the Monetary system?

Stop listening to your local media's controlled LIES that always start with, "...protesters clash with police..." and NOTICE the precision of the order of that commonly used - but rarely true phrase.

That phrase is a LIE, when the facts on the ground are that the protesters are assaulted by Police. They can't control the 'at the scene' videos anymore. Watch for Yourself - and LOOK, Always, for First Physical Contact.

We dare you.

Free Yourself
Turn Off the TV

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....