OWS Activities in Ithaca Feb 8 - 11, 2012

Please forward the following to as many list servs, etc. as possible. Let's make Friday a big one!

Greetings and salutations! 
#OCCUPYWALLST is hitting the road for a 5 week tour of occupation sites all around the Northeast region to strengthen the OWS network by deepening relationships between occupiers everywhere, to increase OWS’s capacity through mutual transfer of skills and knowledge, and also to clarify OWS’s narrative by deepening its commitment to listening.  #OCCUPY ITHACA is honored to host a bus load of occupiers from the front lines of Wall Street to the city of Ithaca for a 3 day movement building and solidarity intensive. We've crafted a program itinerary that we hope you'll find most worthy and ask you and your constituents to JOIN US in welcoming our comrades to show them the best of what we all know that Ithaca has to offer as a progressive, active, and engaged community!  Please forward this to other parties who may find it of interest.
Thanks so much.  We look forward to seeing you this week!
In Solidarity Forever!
Relay comments, questions, concerns to:
Phillip Price / Ithaca General Assembly
WEDNESDAY 2/8:-Occupiers arrive late evening, 9pm.

THURSDAY 2/9: -2pm meet and greet at Occupation (First Baptist Church), gather around the camp at Dewitt Park!  Bring food, hot drinks, and stories! 
Get to know our visitors and members of the FBC congregation who have been kind enough to host our occupation site since this past December.
 -5:30pm DINNER@ Loaves & Fishes, 210 North Cayuga Street  www.loaves.org

 -6pm "Social Inequality and the Destruction of American Democracy": public meeting from International Students for Social Equality
29 East Ave (Cornell University)
Goldwin Smith Hall 142

 -7-9pm "Experiencing The Egyptian Revolution: Lessons Learned"
 @ TC Workers' Center/ Autumn Leaves Bookstore (2nd Floor) 115 MLK St (the Commons) Ithaca, NY
Marion Dixon welcomes you to attend her talk on her experience living in Egypt during a revolutionary time. Marion W Dixon is a doctoral student in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University. She lived in Egypt from 2008 through 2011. She has been studying food systems in Egypt from the 19th century until the present day. In her talk she will focus on the events leading to the end of the Mubarak era, but also will address what has been taking place since then.  http://www.facebook.com/events/229893390430668
 FRIDAY 2/10: -12pm LUNCH
 @Loaves & Fishes, 210 North Cayuga Street

 -3pm DIRECT ACTION meeting @ Owl Cafe (Autumn Leaves)

 -4pm FACILITATION meeting (all active Occupy facilitators and those interested are encouraged to attend! WE ALWAYS NEED MORE!)
 @ TC Workers' Center/ Autumn Leaves Bookstore (2nd Floor)
 115 MLK St (the Commons) Ithaca, NY

 -5PM CITY WIDE PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY on the Ithaca Commons, near the Bernie Milton Pavilion.
General Assemblies are an open, participatory and horizontally organized process through which we are building the capacity to constitute ourselves in public as autonomous collective forces within and against the constant crises of our times.  Please submit proposal items to ithacagafacilitation@googlegroups.com by Friday at 4pm, or bring them to the TC Worker's Center by that time so we can confirm your proposal onto the GA.
 -6:30pm EGYPT SOLIDARITY RALLY on the Ithaca Commons, after the GA open forum.
Join us on the Ithaca Commons to celebrate the one year anniversary of the fall of the Hosnai Mubarak regime in Egypt.
The revolution that swept through the Middle East and Northern Africa one year ago sparked a wave of inspiration that resulted in a populist global movement for social justice. 
We also heard about a great rock show afterwards at Culture Shock featuring the fantastic SUMMER PEOPLE (Binghamton), PORCHES (Brooklyn), & UNDERGROUND RIVER starting around 8pm - www.tasteliveculture.com http://www.facebook.com/events/203967966366271/
 10pm - word also has it that there's a MJ vs. PRINCE dance party at the new Lot 10 Kitchen & Lounge (formerly Lost Dog, Wildfire, Delilah's respectively)
hosted by more friends of #NO RADIO variety. http://www.facebook.com/events/101490009975374/
-10am Anti War Protest:
Local Veterans for Peace activists have asked that people join them at the intersection of Clinton and Meadow Streets for their weekly Anti-War Protest.
-11am Ithaca Farmer's Market - http://www.ithacamarket.com/
The Ithaca Farmer’s Market is a cooperative with 150 vendors who live within 30 miles of Ithaca, New York. Agricultural vendors grow and offer high quality fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, poultry and dairy products. Food vendors bring a wide variety of freshly baked goods, jellies, honey, and sauces as well as delicious meals to eat at the market. Many talented artists and craftspeople sell their exceptional, locally made items.
-1pm Education Working Group #OCCUPY literature release party @Tompkins County Workers Center 115 MLK ST.
Occupy Ithaca EDU WG has been steadily preparing a 60 page booklet for months now, finally ready to release in honor of the OWS visitors.
-3pm Shawn Greenwood Working Group Workshop: - same location as above.
"A Racial Analysis of #Occupy Wall Street":  this workshop will delve into how can a racial analysis, and its consequent agenda, be woven into the fabric of the movement? We need to interrogate not just the symptoms of inequality—the disproportionate loss of jobs, housing, health care and more—but, more fundamentally, the systems of inequality, considering how and why corporations create and exploit hierarchies of race, gender and national status to enrich themselves and consolidate their power.  We ask that members of the OWS-POC group help us facilitate this discussion and that community people of color who have been hesitant to support the #Occupy movement also attend to engage in this discussion in a safe space that allows for marginalized voices to testify on their individual behalf about their experience within or without the movement.
 -6pm Community potluck dinner, farewell party!

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....