Article on Occupy Ithaca in 12-23-2011 Ithaca Journal

Ithaca protesters press bid to use DeWitt Park

Occupy representatives appeal application for permit

Written by Liz Lawyer

Ithaca -- Occupy Ithaca protestors will move their camp out of DeWitt Park, but are maintaining their appeal of a city decision to deny their application for a permit to use the park.

Representatives of the month-old camp took their appeal to the Board of Public Works on Wednesday, but left without an answer.

Protestor Phillip Price said the decision of the city's superintendent of public works, Bill Gray, was arbitrary and denies protestors their freedom of speech. Price also said the usual permitting process involves the Building Department and Fire Department, not just the Public Works Department.

"It should not have been left to the superintendent of public works to decide himself," Price said.

Gray said he consulted with the mayor, Common Council, the city attorney and the First Presbyterian Church, which owns the land comprising DeWitt Park.

Another protestor, Josh Dolan, said the group will relocate its tents to the property of the Baptist Church, adjacent to DeWitt Park, but will maintain a "24-hour free-speech zone and information area" within the park. Price said the church's reverend has given permission to use the front lawn.

Holly Hollingsworth, a veteran who chairs the DeWitt Park Restoration Committee, said protestors assured him they will not allow any of their members to climb on or disrespect the memorial, but he has doubts they will be able to maintain control if their numbers grow.

Dan Booth, a former Common Council member, said the city allowed a group of individuals to take over a public place and make it their own, thus undermining the purpose of a city park to serve all members of the community, and has inconsistently enforced the law.

In addition, he said, "Freedom of speech does not guarantee the right to speak anywhere under any conditions."

Several public works commissioners spoke in support of Occupy Ithaca. Board member Bill Goldsmith said he would like to review what other cities have done with their Occupy encampments, namely Buffalo and Rochester, before making a decision.

"I have enormous respect for the superintendent of public works," Goldsmith said. "I am not interested in voting against something he's done, but neither am I interested in quashing the admirable efforts of the occupiers. They have changed the discussion in this country in a way it has long needed to be changed."

The board ran out of time before coming to a conclusion, and no vote was taken. They will meet again Dec. 28.

U.S. Government Labels Protesters as 'Terrorists'
While Keeping Silent on MURDER PLOTS Against Them

  MEANWHILE: 8,000 Protesters Arrested - Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]   


What happens when the TRUTH leaks
onto the CORPORATE-STATE controlled TV?

Dylan Ratigan spoke more of this TRUTH on MSNBC & has since been LET GO.
TODAY: Journalists who Speak TRUTH in America, get fired, imprisoned, or worse....